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Find Lightweight, durable battery, built-in GPS, wireless charging, water resistant, range of apps and easy-to-read notification feature, etc.

This watch offers several standout features, including a lightweight and durable battery, built-in GPS, wireless charging, water resistance, a wide range of apps, and an easy-to-read notification feature. For more information on the different models available, continue reading below. In addition to the TicWatch, you may also be interested in exploring the TicHome Mini speaker, which allows you to create and manage a smart home for an exceptional experience.

About Mobvoi

Smart gadgets have become increasingly integral to our daily lives, and we are now transitioning from smart phones to smart watches, such as the TicWatch by Mobvoi, a Chinese manufacturing company. This groundbreaking timepiece offers far more than just timekeeping, boasting impressive innovations and features that set it apart from the rest. In addition to telling time, the TicWatch combines the functionality of various gadgets into one, serving as your very own personal assistant. With a range of different models and versions available, these. Use above Mobvoi Promo Code and discount code at to save money! ..Shop